Legislative Agenda for the 118th Congress
National Skills Coalition Comment Template: Broadband workforce development and digital skills
National Skills Coalition Comment Template: Measuring Digital Skills

Our Network in Action
See what the experts and organizations across all of NSC's networks are doing to make investments in digital equity a reality on our road to economic recovery.
Campaign for Working Connecticut Comments
The Campaign for Working Connecticut, NSC’s state SkillSPAN coalition, submitted comments in response to the state’s draft Digital Equity Plan. The coalition leveraged NSC’s Digital Equity Act comment template, which cites findings from our Closing the Digital Skill Divide report and encourages the states to advance priorities aligned with our Digital Equity @ Work campaign.Michigan Sign-on Letter for BEAD Funding
Over 30 Michigan businesses and organizations wrote to legislators to affirm the critical role of digital skills in getting unconnected Michiganders online, and to urge the Michigan High-Speed Internet Office to do its utmost to make the digital skills-related plans laid out in Volume II of its BEAD Initial Proposal come to fruition.Massachusetts Business Coalition on Skills Letter
Through the state coalition, Massachusetts business leaders wrote a letter to the Massachusetts Broadband Institute’s office as state leaders undertake the vital task of developing the 5-year BEAD Action Plan and Initial Proposal. Business leaders provided context about the importance of investing in digital skills, urging the Institute to invest in workforce development, which is a core element of Massachusetts’ BEAD planning and implementation.NSC's Comments on the NTIA's Internet Use Survey
NTIA's next survey must respond to critical shifts in the economy and gather data on digital skills.21t Century Workforce Act
Indiana's Skills2Compete Coalition's asks Senator Braun to support the 21st Century Workforce Act - legislation that would enable states to develop digital skills training and digital upskilling programs for incumbent workers and those who have lost jobs.Industry Recovery Panels
Industry leaders share recommendations on the Biden Administration’s infrastructure and recovery proposals -including guidance on Digital Equity.Creating New Opportunities Through Policy Innovation and Digital Skills
State advocates discuss how they’ve leveraged sector partnerships to respond to the pandemic and its impacts, and the ways sector partnerships can tackle digital skill needs and provide work-based learning opportunities.How Policymakers Can Help Boost Digital Literacy in the Post-pandemic Workplace
The pandemic has shown how the digital divide can impact different economic trajectories for different workers coming out of this recovery. NSC CEO Andy Van Kleunen joins Kirsten Titus of the Cognizant Foundation for a discussion on how new digital literacy policies could start to address some of those inequities.Digital Skills Comments to DOL will Shape Future Federal Investments
The US Department of Labor's recent Request for Information on digital literacy and resilience provided a valuable opportunity for NSC and our network to inform the agency's future discretionary grantmaking. Drawing on extensive feedback from our members, NSC submitted our own organizational comments and also provided a comment template for others to adapt.Sign up for Digital Equity updates
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