Unprecedented Opportunity: Meeting the Workforce Demands of New Clean Energy, Manufacturing, and Infrastructure Investments
Legislative Agenda for the 118th Congress
Building the Future Workforce

Our Network in Action
See what the experts and organizations across all of NSC's networks are doing to make people-centered investments in our infrastructure a reality on our road to economic recovery
CIAW letter to Congress
Nearly 130 organizations signed on to Campaign to Invest in America's Workforce's letter urging Congress to use some of the reconcilliation package on workforce funding (including training, education, and supportive services) - particularly as it applies to implementation of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law.Letter to NEC and DPC Directors
After 500 Organizations and 100 businesses signed on to letters calling for investments in workforce, SC CEO Andy Van Kleunen urges the Director of Domestic Policy Council (DPC) and the Director of the National Economic Council (NEC) to ensure that Congress fully funds the president’s proposed $100 Billion in workforce training and $109 Billion free community college proposal.CIAW Letter to Congress
A coalition of national organizations - led by National Skills Coalition - sent a letter to Congress to advocate for at least $100 billion in workforce development to ensure that workers have skills necessary to access and succeed in good jobs that businesses need filled.BLU Letter to Congress
Business Leaders United calls for investments to position workers for new, skilled jobs that are going to be part of a different post-pandemic economy.Industry Recovery Panel: Infrastructure
Sharing recommendations on the Biden Administration’s Build Back Better initiative and other major infrastructure proposals through meetings with White House advisors, the Departments of Energy and Transportation, and Congressional leadershipNSC Letter to NEC and DPC Directors
NSC CEO, Andy Van Kleunen urges the Director of Domestic Policy Council (DPC) and the Director of the National Economic Council (NEC) to ensure investments in workforce training are included in infrastructure legislation.CIAW Letter to the Biden Administration
A group of 70 state and national organizations – led by National Skills Coalition – sent a letter to President Joe Biden, calling for $35 billion in workforce investments for infrastructure as a part of his recovery planNSC Letter to USDOT, Request for Information on the Transportation Equity Action Plan
NSC recognizes that the Department of Transportation (DOT) has already taken steps to support greater equity in the infrastructure workforce, and shares more information that can further support the Department’s goals. Included in the letter are examples of our network partners who continue to lead the way on advancing transportation equity.Latest Infrastructure News
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